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ÉQUINOXE, in the context of Quinzaine de l´Allemagne en Occitanie
Artistic walks (Sunrise and Sunset), Exhibition and Workshop at the A.T.E.N.A garden, la forêt des Pierres Blanches & Mont Saint-Clair, Sète, Ulrike Bernard, Lise Chevalier und Kathrin Köster

A.T.E.N.A Résidence d‘ Artistes Femmes Européennes, Sète
„Under The Arms Of A Pine Tree“, construction of a multi-storey plateau around a pine tree, A.T.E.N.A garden
Mélange Exhibition
Gallery Neurotitan Berlin
HOPE Exhibition, Museion – Museum of Modern Art Bozen, curated by Bart van der Heide and Leonie Radine in collaboration with DeForrest Brown, Jr.
Höhle, Unterschlupf, Baldachin, Artistic workshop, in collaboration with the architect Claudia Aimar, Kids Culture Club @ BASIS Vinschgau Venosta (IT)
Lisières Exhibition, La Chapelle du Quartier Haut, Sète
Ulrike Bernard, Lise Chevalier, Olympia Gauguet, Kathrin Köster, Yukako Matsui (A.T.E.N.A Résidence d‘ Artistes Femmes Européennes)
14/10/2023 Etwas Wagen (Herz, Hand, Verstand) Artistic reading format with Lise Chevalier and Kathrin Köster at A.T.E.N.A Garten, Sète
Publication release Èditions Méridianes
23/09/2023 Open Studios – 30th anniversary, Atelierhaus Mengerzeile Berlin
Summer 2023
DOK 15518, Landschwärmer*innen Residency, Haus des Wandels
„The Force Which Causes Mushrooms To Push Up From The Earth Overnight“ – dialogical reading format, Mycopoetics – Re-Gaining Ecological Futures Festival, Floating University Berlin
A.T.E.N.A Résidence d‘ Artistes Femmes Européennes, Sète